Sunday, December 20, 2009

have u ever


Smoked a cigarette?:nah,boozing is good enough
Crashed a friend's car?: not yet,but my friends dont doubt my ability..
Stolen a car?: yeah..i am a GTA champ
Been in love?:yep..its a great feeling
Been dumped?:Flirting is next best thing to real love,u gotta try enuf no. of times to find true love..those who claim to find it in first attempt have either compromised or have been god gifted
Shoplifted?: oh..those lovely school days..m nostalgic
Been in a fist fight? time 2nd yr with noor,in front of professor
Snuck(I guess she meant sneaked) out of your parent's house? final year of college
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?:omg,how often!!!
Been arrested?: again,in GTA
Gone on a blind date?: not interested unless i turn blind..
Skipped school?:so often...i hated those "submitting report card days" and those hindi class tests..
Been on a plane?: yup..but want to fly more often than i do
Seen someone die?:nope..the thought is dreadful enough
Been to Canada?: naah
Purposely set a part of yourself on fire?: may be i look stupid...but m not
Been jet-skiing?:nah...zyada enthu bhi nahin hain
Met someone in person from the Internet?: yep..i did
Taken pain killers?:m just 22..
Flown a kite?: tried...but these trapezium shaped creatures dont get along well with me
Built a sand castle?:m bad at such stuff...but built a sand volcano in goa
Gone puddle jumping?:i love holi...
Cheated while playing a game?: wtf r u talking about..its all part of rules..isnt it?
Been lonely?:yeah..that's when i blog
Fallen asleep at work or school/college?:haan,those mechanical lectures are perfect sleeping doses
Used a fake ID? library,in fests
Felt an earthquake?:yup,around 5.5 on richter scale..
Touched a snake?:tell me seriously,do i look crazy??i love my life!!
Slept beneath the stars?:yes...but willingly..not for being thrown out of room
Been robbed?:stealing is in..and i have contributed a lot
Been misunderstood?:anyone who has been in a relation has been misunderstood many times
Won a contest?: i discovered my talent little too late(22 yrs)..
Run a red light/stop sign?: m more of a traffic rule follower..but did so once to reach movie hall on time...u see,i dont miss trailers..
Been suspended from school?:thank god,there was no such punishment for poor performance
Been in a car accident?:yup..many..recent one on nh-8, gurgaon
Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night?:it takes somebody 8 hrs for a pint of icecream???too slow man
Walked the streets drunk?: walk isnt friends say i dance better when drunk
Had déjà vu?:sab moh maya hain
Danced in the moonlight?:yup..on trip to kasauli(yeah,we did!)
Witnessed a crime?:if being foodie is a crime,then yes!!
Been obsessed with post-it notes?: nope
Squished barefoot through the mud?:good old goa days
Been lost?:dont trust me on routes...its just luck on my side
Been on the opposite side of the country?: wd want to say yes,can i call chd an independent country???)
Swum in the ocean?:again,u dont believe me,i am not crazy
Cried yourself to sleep?:yeah..its part of life
Played cops and robbers?:i really suck at both
Recently coloured with crayons?:yes(if it was asked in 1996) otherwise...dont ever test my drawing talent,u wil repent it..
Sung karaoke?:some ppl just cant tolerate me singing!!
Paid for a meal with only coins?:many a times for roadside chuski or chole kulche
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?:hawwww...tumhe kaise pata i have weak willpower?
Made prank phone calls?:yeah..just made one yesterday among friends..i suck at it..
Caught a snow flake on your tongue?: i live in chandigarh..not in canada
Written a letter to Santa Claus?:y shd i write one..he never got me any gifts..huh!!
Blown bubbles?:those days at rose festival..awesome
Bonfire on the beach?:oh ranthambore with FF colleagues and once in goa with mechanchies
Cheated on a test?:i wish i could do it atleast once without being caught..
Gone skinny-dipping in a pool?: oh..naughty me

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Garari is not a word .... It's a Mission

Garari is not a word .... It's a Mission
'Garari' ... A word frequently used by me, by people for me. The title of this post describes its meaning aptly.

Its like, if you have decided to do something, then it oughta be completed, irrespective of the cost. It can be as small as, eating a particular flavour of ice cream at 1am, and to fetch it wander through whole city. On higher note, Sky is the limit.

Technically speaking, 'Garari' means 'gears' ... So what happens when two gears gets entagled into one another, its impossible to move ahead unless they are corrected. That's what garari is, if something comes into your mind, it becomes mission of your life.

Only people who have experienced this kind of thrust knows the satisfaction on completion of 'Garari'.

Somehow, she was never on my garari list. Why? Because garari once achieved looses its importance, but she can never ever be someone not important in my life.

Ending the post here, cause if I start I can write a book on garari, but then writing a book was never my GARARI

Wednesday, December 16, 2009