Sunday, December 20, 2009
have u ever
Smoked a cigarette?:nah,boozing is good enough
Crashed a friend's car?: not yet,but my friends dont doubt my ability..
Stolen a car?: yeah..i am a GTA champ
Been in love?:yep..its a great feeling
Been dumped?:Flirting is next best thing to real love,u gotta try enuf no. of times to find true love..those who claim to find it in first attempt have either compromised or have been god gifted
Shoplifted?: oh..those lovely school days..m nostalgic
Been in a fist fight? time 2nd yr with noor,in front of professor
Snuck(I guess she meant sneaked) out of your parent's house? final year of college
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?:omg,how often!!!
Been arrested?: again,in GTA
Gone on a blind date?: not interested unless i turn blind..
Skipped school?:so often...i hated those "submitting report card days" and those hindi class tests..
Been on a plane?: yup..but want to fly more often than i do
Seen someone die?:nope..the thought is dreadful enough
Been to Canada?: naah
Purposely set a part of yourself on fire?: may be i look stupid...but m not
Been jet-skiing?:nah...zyada enthu bhi nahin hain
Met someone in person from the Internet?: yep..i did
Taken pain killers?:m just 22..
Flown a kite?: tried...but these trapezium shaped creatures dont get along well with me
Built a sand castle?:m bad at such stuff...but built a sand volcano in goa
Gone puddle jumping?:i love holi...
Cheated while playing a game?: wtf r u talking about..its all part of rules..isnt it?
Been lonely?:yeah..that's when i blog
Fallen asleep at work or school/college?:haan,those mechanical lectures are perfect sleeping doses
Used a fake ID? library,in fests
Felt an earthquake?:yup,around 5.5 on richter scale..
Touched a snake?:tell me seriously,do i look crazy??i love my life!!
Slept beneath the stars?:yes...but willingly..not for being thrown out of room
Been robbed?:stealing is in..and i have contributed a lot
Been misunderstood?:anyone who has been in a relation has been misunderstood many times
Won a contest?: i discovered my talent little too late(22 yrs)..
Run a red light/stop sign?: m more of a traffic rule follower..but did so once to reach movie hall on time...u see,i dont miss trailers..
Been suspended from school?:thank god,there was no such punishment for poor performance
Been in a car accident?:yup..many..recent one on nh-8, gurgaon
Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night?:it takes somebody 8 hrs for a pint of icecream???too slow man
Walked the streets drunk?: walk isnt friends say i dance better when drunk
Had déjà vu?:sab moh maya hain
Danced in the moonlight?:yup..on trip to kasauli(yeah,we did!)
Witnessed a crime?:if being foodie is a crime,then yes!!
Been obsessed with post-it notes?: nope
Squished barefoot through the mud?:good old goa days
Been lost?:dont trust me on routes...its just luck on my side
Been on the opposite side of the country?: wd want to say yes,can i call chd an independent country???)
Swum in the ocean?:again,u dont believe me,i am not crazy
Cried yourself to sleep?:yeah..its part of life
Played cops and robbers?:i really suck at both
Recently coloured with crayons?:yes(if it was asked in 1996) otherwise...dont ever test my drawing talent,u wil repent it..
Sung karaoke?:some ppl just cant tolerate me singing!!
Paid for a meal with only coins?:many a times for roadside chuski or chole kulche
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?:hawwww...tumhe kaise pata i have weak willpower?
Made prank phone calls?:yeah..just made one yesterday among friends..i suck at it..
Caught a snow flake on your tongue?: i live in chandigarh..not in canada
Written a letter to Santa Claus?:y shd i write one..he never got me any gifts..huh!!
Blown bubbles?:those days at rose festival..awesome
Bonfire on the beach?:oh ranthambore with FF colleagues and once in goa with mechanchies
Cheated on a test?:i wish i could do it atleast once without being caught..
Gone skinny-dipping in a pool?: oh..naughty me
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Garari is not a word .... It's a Mission
'Garari' ... A word frequently used by me, by people for me. The title of this post describes its meaning aptly.
Its like, if you have decided to do something, then it oughta be completed, irrespective of the cost. It can be as small as, eating a particular flavour of ice cream at 1am, and to fetch it wander through whole city. On higher note, Sky is the limit.
Technically speaking, 'Garari' means 'gears' ... So what happens when two gears gets entagled into one another, its impossible to move ahead unless they are corrected. That's what garari is, if something comes into your mind, it becomes mission of your life.
Only people who have experienced this kind of thrust knows the satisfaction on completion of 'Garari'.
Somehow, she was never on my garari list. Why? Because garari once achieved looses its importance, but she can never ever be someone not important in my life.
Ending the post here, cause if I start I can write a book on garari, but then writing a book was never my GARARI
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Dont write me off...just yet
To find words to go along with a melody
But this time there's actually something, on my mind
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines
Since I met you, my whole life has changed
It's not just my furniture you've rearranged
I was living in the past, but somehow you've brought me back
And I havent felt like this since before Frankie said relax
And while I know, based on my track record,
I might not seem like the safest bet
All I m asking you is dont write me off, just yet
For years I've been telling myself the same old story
That I'm happy to live off my so-called former glories
But you've given me a reason to take another chance
Now I need you, despite the fact that you've killed all my plants
And though I know, I've already blown more chances
Than anyone should ever get
All I'm asking you is dont write me off, just yet
Don't write me off just yet
Monday, October 19, 2009
Hangover-venue the kasauli hills,time 3 am
Mr VM-Supposedly big daddy of drinking.He wasnt so in college but has sincerely worked hard to achieve this feat in past 8-10 months,thanks to his job.
Mr SS-the typical seedha saadha guy,wd have prefered sleeping over nightout but buckled under peer pressure
Mr SG-The Good boy,who listens to evryone's problems,tries his heart out to suggest solutions and WAS habitual of healthy night sleep...not anymore,thanks to his job and few nightouts we had together.
Mr HB-The skeptical guy,not sure whether its a good idea go to kasuali more coz he wasnt sure abt SG's driving skills after boozing
Mr NM & Mr MD-The notorious guys,they truly symbolise murphy's law..if anything can ever go wrong in ur life,it will(and if not,des two ppl will ensure it happens)
Mr RC-yours truly :-)
It didnt require any photos to be clicked or videos to be recorded to make it memorable...for what VM did,it will stay down in our memory lane for yrs to come.
It all started when we guys decided to meet at lake.Its a heavenly feeling to be at lake,especially if one hasnt been in chd for past months.So,we were kind of reliving those college days again.Soon,we were off to Himani's at around 7 in d evening.The real party began there.We have all changed a lot in past year or so and the most profound change noticed in VM is,des days he always have something to talk about.Its like most of us have never been to Guhuwati or Chennai but it feels like our second home,thanks to VM's amazing storytelling skills.He guided us on Planter's punch and how to get best out of a smirnoff and we listened as any inquisitive naive individual wd do.The party continued till 11.
On an usual day,its d time when we bid adieu to each other and go back to our places,but tonite it wasnt meant to be so,the party had to go on..wid no place to stay at,our best refuge was in HB and MD's car.(going back to home wasnt an option,unless we believed this is the best time to reveal our boozing secrets to our beloved parents,but as we were still in senses,we decided not to).
12 00 mid nite
So we took off for kasuali,with SG,HB,SS,RC in one car and NM,MD,VM(hell of a combination,notorious guys with big daddy of boozing) in another.
As expected,Vodka just doesnt satisfy VM rbc's...its just a mean to warm up his body neurons..they went on for some BP while we continued our journey towards the hills.We reached Timber trail,suppposedly our first stop.By now,SS had realised he overdrank and the guilty feeling creeped just after his career's first post booze Puking,he fell asleep in car.Meanwhile,SG,HB and RC were waiting for the other car to arrive and were enjoying the chilly air.For us,it was like a december night.Soon,the other drunkards reached.One could sense Vm had reached his threshold level with his unstoppable colgate smile and his shirt removal act reminded me of Dada's reaction after winning Natwest series in 2002.We danced without a melody for few mins before we decided to move on.By now,we all were hungry.It was 2 30 am and the pleasant part of the story was nearing its end(once again,TED's grandmother was proven right,KID,NOTHING GOOD HAPPENS AFTER 2) :-)
3 00aM
we reached a dhaba where the only thing on menu was chai with veg sandwich(better call it green tomato slices squeezed between 3 days old bread with mdh chat masala).By now,VM was getting out of control.He drank hot tea as another of his bottom's up act(the after effects of hot tea on his tongue shd still be der).
I always relish the conversation ppl have once they are influenced by here's an excerpt:
VM(wid hand over his head):tu saamne baith ja,tu baith ja,tuu saamne jaa ke baith ja.tu shi chi chup shi chi murmuring murmuring(again holds his head)..
we had no idea what he intended to say,and i doubt even he does :-)
3:45 am
So after all this healthy meaningful conversation,we decided to put VM back into MD's car and make him sleep.Tea was followed by expresso coffee.By now,even SS and HB were asleep.So,four of us,NM,MD,SG,RC sat around in dhaba and thats when the worldly talks were initiated,we call it job cribbing.well,i havent had much to crib about in recent months except sheer idleness and how my joining keeps getting postponed all the time and MD was just too busy updating his orkut status msgs on his newly acquired gadget(read a simple phone with gprs facility),so the main contributors happened to be NM and SG.As always,SG happened to live to our expectations,of being a good listener and trying to explain why working in corporate sector sucks but we have to live with it.He is truly an amazing listener,probably thats why he has people as versatile as TJ and Sahil gupta/kapoor or Sandy among his good friends.Soon,this talks came to an end too.
4 30 am
These past 45 mins changed VM's boozing career forever.His first ever Post booze puking happened to be on back seat of MD's i10.Had it been a t-shirt painting competition(natural colours ofcourse),VM had no competitor.There were circular prints,den der were amoeba type patches and that wasnt all,this hair conscious guy made sure he applied the natural conditioner to his hairs too.Any attempt to wake him up went in vain.
Soon,we started our journey back home..hats off to MD and NM to have survived deadly foul smelling,which VM could create in car deadly enough to be used as remedy for H1N1 virus.
5 45 am
Destination-NM's locality
Intentions-To bring VM back to planet earth.
Here was another dilemna..NM and MD,the experienced drinkers,believed VM should be straightway dropped to his place.SG and I couldnt disagree more.We had no intentions to get him kicked by his parents :)
SS was still busy sleeping when 4 of us made die hard effort to clean up VM.His hairs were shampooed with sunsilk to get rid of his natural moisturiser(and this guy couldnt stop complaining,he prefers dove over sunsilk).No matter if VM remembers anything which happened at night,but he wont forget this ON ROAD bath at 6 am with chilled water.
(After all this cleaning,SS couldnt help mentioning he didnt expect that all of us would put in so much effort to clean VM of all the dirty stuff..i cant agree more)
Thats were we call adios to NM and MD
6 30 am-
On way back to chd,VM had urge to do some more we had to put brakes on the way.Meanwhile,SS woke up and as if he couldnt see his dear friend VM do it all alone,out of nowhere,he followed the course.It was kind of funny,really funny..
7 00 am
Finally we reached the city but we were supposed to stay at SG's place,that too after his parents leave at 8 00.By now,all of us felt like innocent child who have been sleep deprived for last 24 hrs for no fault of theirs.Now,it was kind of a big dilemna,after a night out with true followers of murphy law,Nature's call had to strike in this odd circumstances.Well,i wont delve more of details onto a blog here,but next one hour was hard on us.All in all,SHIT HAPPENS,IT REALLY DOES!!
8 30 AM
Reached SG's place..and the fine nightout came to an end..zzzzzzzzzzzzz
P.S-Dear VM,Apologies in advance. despite ur repeated request (dhamkis),i couldnt resist putting this fine evening into words.See thats what excess of idle time can do to a person,i managed to write this multithousand words story:-)
Lets hope evry diwali gives us chance for such nightouts...
Monday, October 5, 2009
The Rusty Brain....

Well,its been around 16 months since my graduation(or precisely the time when even those short lasted affairs with books came to an end) and the brain is already giving a hard look to FRM books and Mock CAT's...Cat exam never looked this tougher(making me relook at admission forms if they have changed d criteria for admission to only for PHD's in English & mathematics),FRM stuff seems as if finance can be more boring than engines and boilers,with the probability of getting thru both,as low as Ishant Sharma scoring a test hundred....if it continues dis way in days to come,den chahe puri kayanat lag gaye,mujhe FRM mein paas nai kara sakti..
time for some sleep...oops..i meant frm studies...tatazz
Saturday, October 3, 2009
We live in a crazy world
yeah,as the title says,i find many practices on earth defying any logic here's an attempt to jolt some of dem..
1.The concept of caller tune:One has to shell out 40 bucks a month,so that the person who is calling us can listen to one of the songs i like(though the caller mite hate it) instead of the conventional tring tring.I mean,if u r really so fond of telling evryone on earth what ur fav song is,mention it on a blog or ur social networking profile..wats d need to pay for somebody else being able to listen to that song.Defies all logic,but ppl do it al d time and mr bharti and mr ambani keeps getting richer and richer.
2...wil be updated soon
Friday, October 2, 2009
so here is a list of few of them...
1- Koi naa..(its my own,noticed by few dear colleagues of mine during office days)
2- kya fight hain,koi fight nahin hain yaar(i guess it spread thru an elder bro of mine,but its spreading like spine flu...a friend of mine has a set reply for this one,fight ki to maine baat hi nai ki yaar,tu dara mat mujhe:-) )
3- chill hain yaar,pain na le zyada(self made most probably)
4- zyada enthu ni hain yaar(i have serious doubts on its origination :)
5- oh plzzz....give me a break(this is a latest one,copied by a dear frend of mine,on recent trip to delhi)
6- dont embaaraassss me yaar...
7- kya pathetic item hain yaar/it was pathetic...(thanks to another frend of mine,recent addition to my arsenal)
8- arey bhai scene hain aaj to ghar pe/kya scene hain bhai aaj(thanks to bakul bhai)
the list is endless,but others are more specific to my ex-office colleagues and most of dem wd be like breaching the norms of a decent i shd take a break...
6:00 pm- Cappuccino at ccd-50 bucks
8:00 pm- Spinach corn sandwich at ccd-60 bucks
8:30 pm- Wake up sid at pvr-150 bucks
11:15pm- Vegetable maggi with butter sctoch shake at home- PRICELESS :-)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Irrational Exuberance..
In past few days,i realised these economists and analysts are as confused as a common man is....Most of them speak bullshit just coz they are asked to..its just that they have better way or technical jargon for explaining whatever is happening in market.
What i believe is,let this be an opportunity to cleanse the system,or what Alan greenspan calls "CREATIVE DESTRUCTION".What stimulus packages can do is prevent firms to file bankruptcy but hardly helps in cleansing the system.Let the credit card bubble burst now,rather than an year or two later...
Now chinese markets giving first clue of weakness and fake bull rally.The bull rally was supported by recovery in china and a report reveals that the kind of money which china pumped into its banking system in past 6-8 months,its almost twice of the money pumped by all indian banks since their existence.In other words,the money pumped by china into its system was enough to create two indian banking system..such reckless money comes to stock markets and gives a false image of everything is fine.Though the worst mite be already behind us,even if credit card bubble bursts soon,but a big correction is due,technically and fundamentally both..
M hell bearish about the markets..but as always,commenting is free of cost,investing is not...:-)
WalMart's Hegemony


I read about this big retail giant for first time while reading The world is flat.Thomas friedman went all ga ga over how walmart has revolutionised retailing,how it manages to sell stuff at prices which no other retailer can even come closer to.The major reason as he pointed out was its excellent supply chain management and i was left wondering,how can solely a good supply chain management makes one a leader in retailing.Its beyond doubt that Wal-mart has one of the most sophisticated and well managed supply chain but thats just one side of the story.
When looking at an organisation for what it does for society,there are two things to be considered.They are what the organisation gives to the society,and whats the cost(for society) involved.There was lot of hype at time when concept of Retail chain came to india, with endless debates about how it will improve living standards and fate of mom & pop stores.Till now,the model has been quite successful and even mom & pop stores survived,infact,they became more efficient.But,Retail stores in india were no Wal-marts.
The retail giant is good for customers,but not for its employees.It serves products to customers at cheapest prices,but at the cost of meagre salaries which arent even enough for a decent living.
Lets see what impact Walmart stores had on society and individuals.
The good part,all i can see is one,goods at cheaper prices,many of which are made by workers working in china and bangladesh at wages as low as 17 cents an hour,14 hrs a day,7 days a week.
Now about the bad effects..thats where the meat lies..
When walmart came to U.S,many of the stores,which were serving consumers for over 4 decades,were forced to shut down.It seems its not just the walmart's agressive business strategy but support by various state goverments which made it happen.Millions of dollars were given in subsidies for walmart stores,along with land at subsidised prices.Competition brings the best in both parties till the time its fair but these subsidies gave walmart an unfair advantage and left other stores no option than to shut down.If we get into mathematics,even if wal mart works like a normal retail chain and pays back to society,or at worst,just manages to run its business at no gain,those cash and land subsidies are not a bad business proposal.So,U.S govt had a role to play.
Secondly,walmart has over 1.8 million employees in U.S...its almost half of New zealand's population.The employees are paid minimal wages,they arent provided any medical insurance/aid(Goverment is supposed to take care of them from taxpayer's money) and dey are not paid for overtime as Walmart flaunts abt its no overtime policy.The store managers are given special training to how to make employees work for more than 40hrs a week and all such tactics are put to use regularly.
The Walmart has been involved in litigations regarding causing damage to enviroment and Walmart's parking lot are famous crime destinations.
The five members of walton family,walmart's owners,make it to the top wealthiest ppl in united states,with total wealth over 110 billion $ which is equivalent to whole Dubai's a walton family is a dubai in itself :) .And the walmart family donated 1% of it for social cause.Ironically,the richest man in world,Bill gates donated over 50% of his wealth.
To me,it seems a case of making whole america poorer at the name of cheaper prices to make one family rich.
Walmart's Hegemony in U.S is just the same as U.S hegemony in the world.May be,in time to come,both will end :)
Monday, August 10, 2009
Just see how bored one can get!!!
2.If Samsung, then why was he not heard?
3.Explain in 37 words what you would get on Fourier transforming a cat.
4.Why didn't the chicken cross the road?
5.Its not you, its me. Explain
6.Determine the frictional force needed to overcome the anger you have for yourself?
7.Why are you angry with yourself?
8.In what ways does a remote control?
9.War, what is it good for?
10.Do Australians call rest of the world UP OVER?
11.Do you love me?
12.If your neighbour tells you that your door transmorgifies at night into a balloon, does that mean the apple yard now needs more alcohol?
13.5 Point Someone....How?
14.Using Schroedinger's theory, prove that you are reading this and also not reading this at the same time.
15.Why do you have to seal a leakage...... Why not crab it?
16.Why are you?
17. Seriously, why are you?
18.A man ran around a tree 43 times and then took a bath. Why?
19.Using a shrapnel and a t-shirt, how long will it take to restore peace in Malaysia?
20.What is the adivantic equivalent of a semi-nivadic glanmesting schiropatic?
21.Scooby Doo, where are you?
22.Write the 6th state of matter after Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma, Anti-Matter and Matter of Fact.
23.Without the use of scale, measure Schawazwarchild radius of Schawazwarchild.
24. Find out who Eric Cantona is. Is he not?
25.Ten leaves crashed a wedding. Why?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Movie as a revenge
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Movie earnings as measure of Recession Easing..
Fedex is the champ..
Monday, June 15, 2009
"No matter how corrupt your moral sense, how contorted your view of the world, how vapid and inarticulate your ideas, how talentless you are and how exaggerated your grievance, an obsessive audience will watch your every move and turn you into what you most want to be, just before your death."
Source:some article on BBC website after mumbai terror attacks...
Bond banda hain jisne bhi likha hain....
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
If one is ready to shell out few extra bucks,a decent living nearby office place is transportation isnt a big issue.I tried almost all modes of transport over der except B.E.S.T .Went to see Marine drive,the 26/11 location Taj,leopold cafe etc etc. I was stuck amazed for some time looking at Taj.Checked out prices of their starts with 13000(i wonder,what they wil give in 13k,a store room??) and goes upto 2.8 lacs(aah..this sounds hell expensive,i scrolled their website that somewhere in small fonts,der would be words saying-this 2.8 lacs per nite package involves a free rendezvous with Katrina Kaif but in vain,only that could justify this prices:-) ).Monday afternoon,i had a lot of free time,so happened to go to a small mall over there.Saw a 103 inch sony plasma on display.Priced at 28 lacs.Well,i feel either i misread the price tag or that well deserving dot (.) which should have been placed between 2 and 8 was mistakenly missing.But,i must say,that thing was amazing.
I shall upload some pics of my trip in time to come..and ya,i forgot to say,i went for an exam der,only those few hrs were lil was pretty gud.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Fate of KKR...
Few possible outcomes of this year's debalce are :
1.SRK would be ready to sell this time at throwaway prices.
2.MCcullum would retire from all sorts of cricket and settle somewhere in Alaska.
3.KKR wont be allowed to play IPL 2010 and another team Bihar knight riders would be formed with all players associated with KKR banned from international cricket.
Thats all i can think of right now...SRK declaring bankruptcy..well its a far off thing,would take atleast another 3-4 yrs of similar performance from his team.
M looking forward to Priety Zinta's team for two reasons,first its PRIETY ZINTA'S team and second,m from punjab :-)
Lets see if they can beat Chennai and Deccan and get thru in semis...matter of time till yuvi and pomberasch are back in form...Gud luck DHOni and Gilly..
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Election fever...
A new thing abt this elections is there is a possible winner apart from BJP and Congress who can go on to rule govt,The third front.It would be a nightmare for most of us if that happens.I am certainly in favour of Congress coming to power this year.As its nothing new for india,the election process is a process of rejection,and not a process of selection.So,on my virutal vote,i find congress to be a suitable party to rule the country for next term.BJP,i guess,even in midst of recession would be more inclined on caste/religion based issues than resolving crisis.One of my friends has gone so far to say that if mayawati comes to power,he will leave this country and settle somewhere else,atleast for next 5 yrs(assuming that govt stays in power for full term,even thats an hyphoteical case).I wonder how things wd look like when mayawati goes to meet President Obama.She would probably end up using her ill words on him as well.But one thing's for sure,if she comes to power,india wont need journalists to throw shoes at politicians to express their anger...Her chappal would be enough :-)
The protectionist measures taken by Mr Obama are going to do more harm than good to U.S and world economy.This is the time when U.S firms need to be in cost cutting mode to be back on track and if at such time,they have to recruit ppl from U.S instead of India or China,the cost factor will go up.No doubt,personal income,hence personal expenditure will rise,but the cycle goes as,Companies progress,thus employers progress and give a push to economy.Moreover,i believe not just for cost cutting,but for talent as well,U.S companies would be able to find a way out of this jinx.Or who knows,Mr Obama mite get his wisdom back and take an informed decision.
Results should be out this saturday,i hope Congress gets thru wid least coalition efforts required and prepares the economy for a boom cycle :)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
How i met your mother!!
A pretty gud concept...Who knows,10-12 yrs down the line(15 yrs on consertative terms),many of us would be scripting our own story :)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The Revolutionary road
I enjoyed watching it,kate-leo chemistry definitely helped...pretty gud movie..
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Fool's Rally???
I think things were just so bad for past few months than any glimmer of improvement/hope is greeted well. Thats what made bulls squeeze the bears recently. IT gonna take much more than few macroeconomic data for a month to improve consumer sentiment which would be the first sign of economy recovering.So,i feel,it was Just another fool's rally which lasted longer than recent ones,bears are still there to lead the market in time to come.The lows mite have been made,but they can be tested again in time to come.Another trigger for panic could be credit card defaults in US. The rumours have been in market for long but now,news regarding defaults are surfacing up.Its too early to be Bullish.Markets shall fall again before finally ralling to justified levels.
Happy trading!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
6 things which change once u move to job from college
2.U start gaining inches,and despite worrying about it and claiming to start workout soon,u dont do a single thing abt it.
3.Ur phone bills gets doubled.
4.U start valuing weekends much more than u did during college.
5.U dont wish to go back home on weekends as u prefer partying/lazying around than travelling in public transport.
6.The last one,but its quite universal.."Yaar,COLLEGE DAYS WERE NOT THAT BAD" :)
Happy trading..
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Wont earth be a better place to live as that will lead to less emotional attachment.One knows in advance his maximum age and thus can live with lesser tensions,lesser burden on self,marries at age of 60...ends marriage at age of 20,retires from job takes pension and,then flirt around in college,and in last years...forget how to walk,how to speak.Just like in a cricket tournament,if the last game of series is won by a team which already lost the series,the party element isnt the same in series winning side,same is the case with life,what matters to us is how we spend last 20 yrs of life..and aging backwards would let evryone enjoy it more.
Earth would be a much different place to live....
Benjamin Button: Sometimes we're on a collision course, and we just don't know it. Whether it's by accident or by design, there's not a thing we can do about it. A woman in Paris was on her way to go shopping, but she had forgotten her coat - went back to get it. When she had gotten her coat, the phone had rung, so she'd stopped to answer it; talked for a couple of minutes. While the woman was on the phone, Daisy was rehearsing for a performance at the Paris Opera House. And while she was rehearsing, the woman, off the phone now, had gone outside to get a taxi. Now a taxi driver had dropped off a fare earlier and had stopped to get a cup of coffee. And all the while, Daisy was rehearsing. And this cab driver, who dropped off the earlier fare; who'd stopped to get the cup of coffee, had picked up the lady who was going to shopping, and had missed getting an earlier cab. The taxi had to stop for a man crossing the street, who had left for work five minutes later than he normally did, because he forgot to set off his alarm. While that man, late for work, was crossing the street, Daisy had finished rehearsing, and was taking a shower. And while Daisy was showering, the taxi was waiting outside a boutique for the woman to pick up a package, which hadn't been wrapped yet, because the girl who was supposed to wrap it had broken up with her boyfriend the night before, and forgot.
Benjamin Button: When the package was wrapped, the woman, who was back in the cab, was blocked by a delivery truck, all the while Daisy was getting dressed. The delivery truck pulled away and the taxi was able to move, while Daisy, the last to be dressed, waited for one of her friends, who had broken a shoelace. While the taxi was stopped, waiting for a traffic light, Daisy and her friend came out the back of the theater. And if only one thing had happened differently: if that shoelace hadn't broken; or that delivery truck had moved moments earlier; or that package had been wrapped and ready, because the girl hadn't broken up with her boyfriend; or that man had set his alarm and got up five minutes earlier; or that taxi driver hadn't stopped for a cup of coffee; or that woman had remembered her coat, and got into an earlier cab, Daisy and her friend would've crossed the street, and the taxi would've driven by. But life being what it is - a series of intersecting lives and incidents, out of anyone's control - that taxi did not go by, and that driver was momentarily distracted, and that taxi hit Daisy, and her leg was crushed.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Finally,now Crude oil looks bullish...
(not so for oil importers)
lets see how it goes,oil must stay in 45-65$ dollar range for rest of the year.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Why So Serious?
I have often being accused by friends of watching some awesome releases quite late(mostly after their craze is over).After all,i saw RDB in mid 2008,i saw GURU somewhere in 2008.So before they again accuse me for same,i watched THE Dark Knight..termed as movie of year 2008...or even decade.Rightly so,Heath Ledger did full justification to joker's role.I enjoyed watching it
Gotham National Bank Manager: Oh, criminals in this town used to believe in things. Honor. Respect. Look at you! What do you believe in, huh? What do you believe in-?
[Bozo leans down and sticks a grenade in the manager's mouth]
Bozo: I believe whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you...
[takes off his mask]
The Joker: ...stranger.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Gold ready to break the roof
Japan has been struggling for over 10 yrs and now in middle of world wide recession,the export oriented country finds itself crippling to even survive.Goverment fails,administration fails there as a matter of evryday incident.Also,Yen has appreciated so much in foreign currency that Big japanese firms have to post losses and layoff workers which isnt really the japanese culture.
Japanese Goverment has waited so long to let yen appreciate by not intefering in the forex market,but now it must intervene or see Japan fail.time to be short on yen!!
Being a fan of Dennis Gartman,i always think of hedging,Going long on Gold along with long on Re against Dollar serves as a perfect hedging strategy .
Enough of opinions..As its said,Back ur opinions with ur money,not by words.But money is one thing i have never been able to match in supply demand factors...demand always exceeds supply :)
So all friends who are tired to their menial jobs and have saved enough for recessionary times, its time to invest...It could well be a very successful Ponzi scheme/fund(unlike Gernard Madoff's).:)
The trading paradox

Its been over 7 months for trading in crude oil and its already been hell of an experience.The trading culture demands patience yet quickness,calmness yet aggressiveness.Unlike other sectors where one works and gets paid for the services provided,here,for u to win,other must lose.Evryone comes with a dream to make it big.Its believed that trading is the easiest way to make money.And this mistaken belief brings liquidity to the market.In last 7 months or so,a lot has happened which didnt happen in last 70 yrs.Institutions which never posted loss in last 120 yrs(ya,not even at time of world wars) went bankrupt.All feel good factors went for a roller coaster ride and pink slips are in again.The boom which made all Engineers and Post graduates get hefty packages right from day 1 has come to an end.Or jst like markets,its time for correction in packages as well(i hope so).
Anyways,lets continue with more on world on trading.Everyday markets put ur discipline to test.The irony of trading is,the rules of game are pretty clear,go with the trend,cut ur losses and let ur profits run,and many more,inspite of this well defined rules,still most ppl fail.I found an image which says evrything about a trader's mind.Check it out!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Last nite,travelling from Delhi to Chandigarh over weekend,i happened to be a listener for converstation between two old friends.Being from same school,YPS,they happened to meet in bus after years.One of them,sardar ji is working in Bangalore wid some IT firm for yrs.His confidence and the pride he took in being it IT field is badly shaken by Satyam fiasco.The other guy,NRI,has been working in London since 2002.They enjoyed meeting each other after so long,talked about der mutual friends and shared some good old jokes of skool times.But tats were happy reunion came to end.den started the all time favourites battle to defend Brain Drain.Sardar ji got involved in how life in Swades is better than in a foreign city and how its only punjabi jatts who r crazy for moving abroad and not all youth from country ,whereas the NRI guy with hinglish accent couldnt stop boasting of the life style and living standards over der in UK. One could sense the battle being fought in arguments. And it went on for long time,mite be for hrs after i feel asleep.
And i was left wondering whether things would be d same if i happen to meet an old friend after yrs.Will we be rejoicing the time we spent together or wd be more concerned about defending who did better in corporate world and is spending a marvellous life.
So lets not get lost into the corportate world.I expect the old friendship reigns over this trivial matters.Keep in touch.